A youth-led movement training and mobilizing students to be disciple makers in their schools!

According to research, Our youth, Gen Z, are now considered to be the first post-Christian generation in our nation’s history.

If 1 out of every 100 high schoolers in KC were equipped and sent to start a student-led Zero Hour Club, that stat could change!

Our Vision

To see a student-led disciple making team in every school within a 30 mile radius of Kansas City so that every student would be able to see, hear, and respond to The Gospel!


What’s Next

  • Get Trained

    Join one of our Disciple Making Trainings to learn what it means to be a Disciple Maker and Launch a Zero Hour Team on your High School Campus!

  • Build Your Team

    Start recruiting others like you who want to see your school transformed through making disciples who will make disciples!

  • Launch A Zero Hour Team

    Once you have found 3-4 other individuals willing to make disciples and reach your school, begin to plan your launch date and GO!

  • “Zero Hour has been so incredible to be a part of!!! I have learned and grown so much in knowing how to share the gospel with those around me. Anywhere God has put you, is your ministry, and walking in that is such an important thing to learn. It has been amazing to see the fruit of prayer and the fruit of loving people in my school. I am so thankful for Zero Hour and what the Lord is doing!!”

  • “To put it simply, Zero Hour Ministries has completely changed my life. Before, I thought that being a Christian was doing the right things and going to church but now because of Zero Hour I realize that I am called to actively make disciples. God is always working and thanks to the amazing tools I learned, I can now join him to reach my school with the gospel.”

  • “Zero Hour has helped me become more confident in sharing my faith while growing closer to God through community with other young people on fire for the Lord. By asking questions and getting to know people, i’ve been able to truly live on mission for Jesus!”

  • “Zero Hour has given me the confidence to fulfill my true calling as a Christian. I used to be an insecure, doubtful Christian. I cared so much about what people thought about me, that I began to lower my standards as a means to fit in. God gave me a mission and vision to reach my school. God put me in touch with Zero Hour, where I learned about the great commission, and how to effectively live it out in the spaces around me, particularly in the school setting.”



You can reach youth alongside Zero Hour through monthly financial partnership. Sow into a movement seeking to multiply disciples into the next generation for Jesus!